Wishfulfilling Jewel - Audio

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Wishfulfilling Jewel - Audio MP3 Download
Wishfulfilling Jewel - Booklet
Wishfulfilling Jewel - eBooklet EPUB format
An audio recording of Wishfulfilling Jewel prayers which contains two practices revealed by Wisdom Buddha Manjushri: the Guru yoga of Je Tsongkhapa and the sadhana of his Dharma protector, Dorje Shugden. These two practices are the very essence of Kadampa Buddhism. If we practice them regularly and sincerely we will reap a rich harvest of pure Dharma realizations, and eventually come to experience the supreme joy of full enlightenment.

An audio recording of Dakini Yoga, condensed prayers and meditations that contain the essence of the self-generation practice of Vajrayogini—the female enlightened Buddha of Highest Yoga Tantra who is the manifestation of the wisdom of all Buddhas. It is also a six-session yoga that has been specially arranged for those who have received the empowerment of Vajrayogini—a simple but powerful daily practice for maintaining all Tantric commitments for those who have received a Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment.

More Information
Subtitle The Guru yoga of Je Tsongkhapa combined with the sadhana of his Dharma Protector

Total running time: 2 hours 3 minutes

Wishfulfilling Jewel with Meditation: 63 minutes (includes 2 silent meditations, 10+5 minutes)

Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog Offering: 60 minutes

Available in CD and MP3 formats:

- CD Format: Double disc set in a full colour, 6 page fold-out case, track list and time codes printed inside the case x47 tracks

- MP3 Format (this product is only available to download, no physical product will be shipped):

x47 tracks, embedded cover artwork and complete metadata included for each track