Request to the Lord of All Lineages

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Request to the Lord of All Lineages - Booklet
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Request to the Lord of All Lineages - Audio MP3 Download

This special, blessed prayer for practicing all the stages of both Sutra and Tantra that lead to full enlightenment was composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Through concentrating on this prayer, and making its meaning touch our heart, our mind will transform into all the realizations of the spiritual path.

A newly recorded spoken audio recording is also available of this prayer to help with the memorization of the verses.

This special, blessed prayer for practicing all the stages of both Sutra and Tantra that lead to full enlightenment was composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Through the practice of memorizing this prayer and concentrating on the meaning of each individual verse, while being completely free from distraction, when our understanding touches our heart, our mind will transform into all the realizations of the spiritual path, such as wisdom, cherishing love and compassion. There is no greater meaning than engaging in this practice.

A newly recorded spoken audio recording is also available of this prayer to help with the memorization of the verses.

More Information
Current Edition / Reprint 2021
Edition History First published 2021