放鬆身心的禪修 Meditations for Relaxation - Audio

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放鬆身心的禪修 - Audio CD
Special Price $3.24 Regular Price $12.95
任何人都能練習的三個簡易禪修導引。透過定期練習這些禪修,將有助放鬆身心,並導向內在安寧的甚深體驗。 隨光碟附送的手冊,包含了相關的背景資料與導引。 它是《佛教概論》一書的理想組合。 現在購買:一張光碟(廣東話)+ 16頁手冊 。
任何人都能練習的三個簡易禪修導引。透過定期練習這些禪修,將有助放鬆身心,並導向內在安寧的甚深體驗。 隨光碟附送的手冊,包含了相關的背景資料與導引。 它是《佛教概論》一書的理想組合。 現在購買:一張光碟(廣東話)+ 16頁手冊 。

------- These three simple guided meditations presented in Mandarin are all forms of breathing meditation that help to calm the mind, reduce stress, and give rise to an experience of inner peace and well being. The first is a basic breathing meditation that helps to disengage the mind from the busyness of everyday life and create a special feeling of inner peace. The second combines mindfulness of the breath with visualization, or creative imagination, and leads to a deep feeling of inner calm and purity. The third is a special breathing meditation that combines mindfulness of the breath with the recitation of mantra. All these meditations can be practised by anyone. Background information and guidance is provided in the accompanying 16 page booklet.

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Subtitle 三個簡易放鬆身心的禪修導引