Buddha Shakyamuni 3

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Grouped product items
Thumbnail Product Name Qty
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - wallet card
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - 4 x 6 card
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - 6 x 8 large card
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - 8 x 12 print
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - 20 x 30 large poster
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Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - Small (16.54 x 21.65 in) canvas print rolled
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - Small (16.54 x 21.65 in) canvas print stretched
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - Medium (23.39 x 30.3 in) canvas print rolled
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - Medium (23.39 x 30.3 in) canvas print stretched
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - Large (33.11 x 43.3 in) canvas print rolled
Buddha Shakyamuni 3- Large (33.11 x 43.3 in) canvas print stretched
Buddha Shakyamuni 3 - Extra large (46.8 x 61 in) canvas print rolled
The founder of Buddhism in this world age, and the principal object of refuge for all Buddhists.
The fourth of one thousand founding Buddhas who will appear in this world during this Fortunate Eon, and the founder of Buddhism in this world. Buddha Shakyamuni is the principal object of refuge for all Buddhists. He is holding a begging bowl filled with three nectars indicating that he has conquered the "demons" of uncontrolled death, a contaminated body and mind, and delusions, and is touching the ground indicating his power to subdue all negative forces. In general, "Buddha" means "Awakened One," someone who has awakened from the sleep of ignorance and sees things as they really are. A Buddha is a person who is completely free from all faults and mental obstructions. Every living being has the potential to become a Buddha.
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