The New Guide to Dakini Land

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This comprehensive guide provides a detailed and practical explanation of the two stages of Vajrayogini practice - generation stage and completion stage - and shows how we can integrate these practices into our daily life, thereby transforming every moment of our life into the path to enlightenment. It is a unique guide to becoming a Tantric enlightened being in the modern world.

Vajrayogini is a female enlightened Deity of Highest Yoga Tantra—the very essence of all Buddha's teachings—who is the manifestation of the wisdom of all Buddhas. By engaging in the Tantric practice of Vajrayogini under the guidance of a qualified Spiritual Guide, we can completely purify our body, speech, and mind and attain a state of full enlightenment, the ultimate goal of human life.

This comprehensive guide provides a detailed and practical explanation of the two stages of Vajrayogini practice—generation stage and completion stage—and shows how we can integrate these practices into our daily life, thereby transforming every moment of our life into the path to enlightenment. It is a unique guide to becoming a Tantric enlightened being in the modern world.

To practice the instructions explained in this book, we require special inner conditions. First we should train in the common spiritual paths, the practice of Kadam Larmim, and then receive the empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini. Having received these empowerments, we should strive to maintain our vows and commitments purely.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

More Information
Subtitle The Highest Yoga Tantra Practice of Buddha Vajrayogini
Edition History

First published as Guide to Dakini Land 1991 

2nd edition 1996 

Reprinted 1999, 2005, 2008

3rd edition published as The New Guide to Dakini Land 2012

Reprinted 2021


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