佛法概論 Introduction to Buddhism

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誰是佛陀? 我們心的本質 過去世及未來生 行為與果報 禪修的原因與方法 什麼是解脫? 正覺之道
佛陀入滅2,500年後,他的訊息持續在世上引起回響,而且日益普及。 這本引人入勝的概論解釋了佛教徒生活之道的精要教義,譬如投生、業果法則和究竟真理,以及成為佛教徒的意義。本書亦清晰簡潔地解釋如何利用禪修,去發展諸如內在安寧、愛與安忍等品質。 對於那些對佛教和禪修有興趣的人來說,這本書是理想的指引和良伴。

------- Beginning with Buddha’s life story, this concise guide explains the essential elements of the Buddhist way of life, such as understanding the mind, rebirth, karma and ultimate truth, and what it means to be a Buddhist. Meditation is explained clearly and simply as a tool for developing qualities such as inner peace, love and patience. The emphasis throughout is on the practical application of Buddhist ideas and practice to finding solutions to everyday problems. Those interested in Buddhism and meditation will find this book a rich source of guidance and inspiration.

More Information
Subtitle 解釋佛教徒的生活之道
ISBN / EAN 9789889849429
Catalog Code cn-itb-pb
Details 224 pages includes 13 line illustrations