Budismo moderno - US
Budismo moderno nos revela cómo aplicar todos los aspectos del budismo, desde los más básicos hasta los más avanzados, para solucionar nuestros problemas y lograr una paz interior y felicidad más profundas. Este manual para la práctica diaria es una fuente inagotable de inspiración y nos ofrece soluciones desde la perspectiva budista a los problemas que se nos presentan en la vida. Asimismo, anima a los practicantes de cualquier creencia a profundizar en la comprensión y práctica del camino espiritual.
------- By developing and maintaining compassion and wisdom in daily life, we can transform our lives, improve our relationships with others and look behind appearances to see the way things really are. In this way we can find lasting happiness and accomplish the real meaning of our human life. With compassion and wisdom, like the two wings of a bird, we can quickly reach the enlightened world of a Buddha. Modern Buddhism reveals how all aspects of Buddhism – from the most basic to the most profound – can be applied practically to solve our daily problems and to experience deeper inner peace and happiness. An inspiring handbook of daily practice that is perfectly suited for those seeking solutions within Buddhism, as well as for encouraging practitioners of all faiths to deepen their understanding and practice of the spiritual path.
Subtitle | El camino de la compasión y la sabiduría |