Vajrayogini 3 (golden)
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A female enlightened Deity of Highest Yoga Tantra who is the manifestation of the wisdom of all Buddhas.
A female enlightened Deity of Highest Yoga Tantra who is the manifestation of the wisdom of all Buddhas. Her function is to guide all living beings to the Pure Land of Keajra, or Pure Dakini Land. The various aspects of her body reveal the basis we need to abandon, the spiritual path that we need to practise and the result that we need to accomplish to attain the fully enlightened state. Above her crown is Buddha Vajradharma with consort, and to his right is a representation of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and to his left is a representation of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Below are Dharma Protectors, to the left is Kinkara, and to the right is Dorje Shugden.