Vajradaka Burning Offering Sadhana

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Vajradaka Burning Offering - EPUB EBOOKLET DOWNLOAD

SKU: 5055278119942

  • Catalogue Code: EBVDK

Vajradaka Burning Offering - BOOKLET

SKU: 5055278119928

  • Catalogue Code: SVDK

Vajradaka Burning Offering - MP3 AUDIO DOWNLOAD

SKU: 5055278120405

  • Catalogue Code: MP3SVBO


Je Tsongkhapa compiled instructions specifically for this practice. It is a very powerful method for purifying our own negative actions and it can also be used to purify the negative actions of others, whether they are alive or dead. For example, if our mother has died we can purify her negative actions by performing this burning offering on her behalf.

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The Vajradaka Burning Offering is a powerful method for purifying negative actions that can be used to purify our own negative actions and those of others, including those who have died.

The Vajradaka Burning Offering is one of the nine preliminary practices for engaging in a successful Tantric retreat, and the instructions for this practice were specifically compiled by Je Tsongkhapa.

After engaging in a close retreat of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka in which we recite 100,000 of his mantra, we then engage in the Vajradaka burning offering practice. This practice is to be maintained from time to time at Kadampa Buddhist centres throughout the world. Venerable Geshe Kelsang has said that this practice is a wishfulfilling jewel for the development of Kadam Dharma internationally.

More Information
Subtitle A Practice for Purifying Mistakes and Negativities
Catalogue Code GRP-BKL-VDK
Current Edition / Reprint 2022
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