The Yogas of Sleeping and Rising

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The Yogas of Sleeping and Rising - large postcard

SKU: 5055278103934

  • Catalogue Code: A5YSR

The Yogas of Sleeping and Rising - MP3 AUDIO DOWNLOAD

SKU: 5055278113056

  • Catalogue Code: MP3PYSR

A reminder of how to practise the Yogas of Sleeping and Rising as explained in the book, Modern Buddhism.
Available as an audio MP3 download and durable 400gsm art card.
A reminder of how to practise the Yogas of Sleeping and Rising as explained in the book, Modern Buddhism.
Available as an audio MP3 download and durable 400gsm art card.

Another reason for beginning the practice of Vajrayogini at night is that during sleep the clear light mind of sleep manifests naturally and, with training, this mind can be used to progress along the spiritual path towards the realizations of example clear light and meaning clear light. One of the main reasons for practising Vajrayogini Tantra is to gain these realizations.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

More Information
Details A reminder of how to practise the Yogas of Sleeping and Rising.
Available as audio MP3 download and durable 400gsm art card.
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