The Practice of the Eight Lines of Praise

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  • Catalogue Code: A5SQELP

The Practice of the Eight Lines of Praise - MP3 AUDIO DOWNLOAD + PDF

SKU: 5055278121785

  • Catalogue Code: MP3PELP


A beautiful and inspiring recording and card of the eight lines of praise to Father Heruka and Mother Vajrayogini, the most supreme of all praises for practitioners of Heruka and Vajrayogini. These praises were taught by Vajradhara and reciting it is an especially blessed practice. Merely reciting these praises causes all the Deities of Heruka’s mandala to draw closer to us and remain with us constantly.

A beautiful and inspiring recording and card of the eight lines of praise to Father Heruka and Mother Vajrayogini, the most supreme of all praises for practitioners of Heruka and Vajrayogini. These praises were taught by Vajradhara and reciting it is an especially blessed practice. Merely reciting these praises causes all the Deities of Heruka’s mandala to draw closer to us and remain with us constantly.
Practitioners of Heruka and Vajrayogini can regard anyone they meet and even inanimate objects as an emanation of Heruka and Vajrayogini and recite the eight lines of praise to them. Gaining familiarity with the practice of sincerely reciting these praises swiftly purifies our ordinary appearances and, by viewing all beings and everything in the world as pure, we quickly attain Heruka and Vajrayogini’s Pure Land.

We should not be misled by the external aspect of any object but should think that its real nature is the same as that of Heruka and Vajrayogini and then praise it with the eight lines.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

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Catalogue Code GRP-BKL-ELP
Current Edition / Reprint 2024
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