The New Meditation Handbook

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The New Meditation Handbook - PAPERBACK

SKU: 9781906665562

  • Catalogue Code: B5562

The New Meditation Handbook - EPUB EBOOK DOWNLOAD

SKU: 9781910368183

  • Catalogue Code: EB183

The New Meditation Handbook - MP3 AUDIOBOOK DOWNLOAD

SKU: 9781910368985

  • Catalogue Code: MP3BNMH

New Meditation Handbook - Audiobook DOWNLOAD CARD

SKU: 5055278113414

  • Catalogue Code: DCTB414

An explanation of twenty-one essential Buddhist meditations that guide us step-by-step towards enlightenment. NEW audiobook download now available.

The New Meditation Handbook is a practical guide to meditation that teaches us how to make ourself and others happy by developing inner peace, and in this way making our lives more meaningful. Without inner peace there is no real happiness at all. Problems, suffering and unhappiness do not exist outside the mind; they are feelings and thus part of our mind. Therefore, it is only by controlling our mind that we can permanently stop our problems and make ourself and others truly happy.

The twenty-one Buddhist meditation practices presented in this book are actual methods to control our mind and experience lasting inner peace. This extremely practical guide is an indispensable handbook for those seeking happiness and meaning in their lives.

Audiobook Sample

The meditation practices presented in this book are actual methods to control our mind. Because everyone has different wishes and capacities, many different levels of meditation practice are given. In the beginning we should choose the level we feel most comfortable with, and gradually, through improving our understanding and familiarity, advance progressively to the higher levels. By continuously engaging in these meditations with joy and patience, we will accomplish the ultimate goal of human life.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso - The New Meditation Handbook

More Information
Subtitle Meditations to make our life happy and meaningful
Current Edition / Reprint 2019
Edition History

First published as A Meditation Handbook 1990

2nd edition published as The Meditation Handbook 1993 

3rd edition 1995 

Reprinted 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001 

4th edition 2003 

Reprinted 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 

5th edition 2013 

Reprinted 2014, 2016, 2019

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