The New Eight Steps to Happiness

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The New Eight Steps to Happiness - EPUB EBOOK DOWNLOAD

SKU: 9781910368404

  • Catalogue Code: EB404

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SKU: 9781913105129

  • Catalogue Code: MP3BNESH

The New Eight Steps to Happiness - PAPERBACK

SKU: 9781910368398

  • Catalogue Code: B398


This book is the latest version of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's best selling book, Eight Steps to Happiness.

Based on the famous Eight Verses of Training the Mind by the great Bodhisattva, Langri Tangpa, this inspiring book reveals essential methods for transforming all life's difficulties into valuable spiritual insights and for developing universal love and compassion, the source of true happiness for both self and others.

Pure happiness can only be attained through developing our mind…Through improving our qualities of love, compassion and wisdom we can gradually eliminate all our suffering and problems, and eventually attain the everlasting joy of full enlightenment.

A detailed and practical explanation of one of Buddhism's best-loved teachings, Eight Verses of Training the Mind, by the great Bodhisattva, Langri Tangpa. Clear methods are simply presented for transforming all life's difficulties into valuable spiritual insights, for improving our relationships, and for bringing greater patience, empathy and compassion into our daily life. These methods have inspired generations of Buddhist practitioners for almost a thousand years, and brought lasting peace, inspiration and serenity to countless people. Now, with this book, Venerable Geshe Kelsang shares the immeasurably rich insight of this ancient wisdom to help us find greater happiness and meaning in our busy, modern lives. With this revised presentation, The New Eight Steps to Happiness, Venerable Geshe-la re-introduces us to the essential practices of Training the Mind. He not only challenges our entire understanding of the world, but also challenges us to transform ourself into the greatest being we can possibly become!

Everyone, whether religious or non-religious, is looking for happiness all the time and wants to be free from problems and suffering permanently. We can fulfil these wishes through understanding and practising the instructions given in this book
More Information
Subtitle The Buddhist Way of Loving Kindness
Current Edition / Reprint 2017
Edition History

First published as Eight Steps to Happiness 2000 

Reprinted 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 

2nd edition 2012 

Reprinted 2015 (pb)

3rd edition published as The New Eight Steps to Happiness 2016

Reprinted 2017

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