The Eight Auspicious Buddhist Symbols - Embossed Postcards (ALL)

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Grouped product items
Thumbnail Product Name Qty
Precious Umbrella - SMALL EMBOSSED CARD

SKU: 5055278110765

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPU

Precious Fish - SMALL CARD

SKU: 5055278110772

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPF


SKU: 5055278110789

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPV

Precious Lotus - SMALL CARD

SKU: 5055278110796

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPFL


SKU: 5055278110802

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPC


SKU: 5055278110819

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPK

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Precious Victory Banner - SMALL EMBOSSED CARD

SKU: 5055278110826

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPB


SKU: 5055278110833

  • Catalogue Code: ASQPW

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The Eight Auspicious Buddhist Symbols - SMALL EMBOSSED CARDS (SET OF 8)

SKU: 5055278111373

  • Catalogue Code: ASQ8AS

Special Price £10.00 Regular Price £12.00
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The eight auspicious symbols together symbolize the spiritual path that leads to freedom from suffering and the permanent inner peace of enlightenment. Memorize the profound meaning of each symbol following Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's explanation printed on the reverse.

The eight auspicious symbols, together symbolize the spiritual path that leads to freedom from suffering and the permanent inner peace of enlightenment. The symbol on the front of each card is embossed, with the reverse of the card carrying an explanation of the meaning of the symbol and its relevance to our spiritual progress. Each card is 102x102mm (4x4 inches) so the full set fits neatly on a personal meditation shrine.

The Precious Umbrella symbolizes the umbrella of the Buddhist community and teaches us that to make progress on the Buddhist path to enlightenment we should first come under the great umbrella of Buddhism by going for refuge to the Three Jewels – Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

The Precious Fish symbolize peace and harmony, indicating that having come under the umbrella of Buddhism we should always maintain harmony and joy.

The Precious Vase symbolizes wealth and encourages us to take the precious jewels of wisdom and compassion from the treasure vase of Kadam Dharma.

The Precious Lotus symbolizes purity, encouraging us to enjoy the purity of our mind and actions.

The Precious Conch shell symbolizes the Dharma Jewel, encouraging us to listen to precious Dharma teachings and contemplate and meditate on their meaning.

The Precious Indestructible Knot symbolizes Buddha’s realization of omniscient wisdom and encourages us to apply great effort to attain enlightenment.

The Precious Victory Banner symbolizes Buddha’s abandonment of delusions and mistaken appearance and encourages us to be victorious over the enemy of our delusions.

The Precious Dharma Wheel encourages us to benefit others by turning the Wheel of Dharma, that is, by giving Dharma teachings. This is our final goal.

A more detailed explanation is given on the reverse of each card. Memorize the profound meaning of each symbol following Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's explanation printed on the reverse.

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