Songs of the Great Protector - AUDIO CD

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An audio recording of extensive Buddhist prayers for spiritual protection.
An audio recording of the extensive sadhana – ritual prayers for spiritual attainments – for fulfilling our commitment to rely upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden, regarding him as inseparable from our Spiritual Guide and Buddha, and to practise Lamrim, Lojong and Mahamudra, and for restoring any degenerate or broken commitments we may have incurred. Also included are Praise to Manjushri, the Guru yoga of Je Tsongkhapa, self-generation as Heruka, and the fulfilling and restoring ritual of other Dharma Protectors. This practice is usually performed once a month in Kadampa Buddhist centres.
More Information
Subtitle Melodious Drum Victorious in all Directions
ISBN/SKU: 5030820026794
Catalogue Code CDGP

3 CDs, total duration 188 mins

This recording includes the following prayers:

Melodious Drum (Victorious in all Directions)

Tharpa Publications is part of New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union, Company Reg No: 02758093, Charity Reg No (England): 1015054, VAT No: 758860088
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