Prayers for Meditation

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Prayers for Meditation - EPUB EBOOKLET DOWNLOAD

SKU: 9781906665227

  • Catalogue Code: ESPFM

Prayers for Meditation and Essence of Good Fortune - MP3 AUDIO DOWNLOAD

SKU: 5055278112936

  • Catalogue Code: MP3PPFM

Prayers for Meditation - BOOKLET

SKU: 5065000453787

  • Catalogue Code: SPFM

Prayers for Meditation - eBooklet and MP3 Bundle

SKU: 5055278104955

  • Catalogue Code: EBUPFM

Prayers for Meditation and Essence of Good Fortune - AUDIO CD

SKU: 5055278111342

  • Catalogue Code: CDPFM

Special Price £1.95 Regular Price £9.95
Brief prayers for preparing our mind for successful meditation on the stages of the path to enlightenment.

In the field of our mind we all have seeds to gain realizations of all the stages of the path to enlightenment. Our meditation practice is like cultivating these seeds, but for our meditation practice to be successful we need to prepare well beforehand. First, we must purify our mind to eliminate the negative karma accumulated in the past that obstructs the growth of inner realizations. Second, we need to give our mind the strength to support the growth of realizations by accumulating a positive power of mind, merit. Third, we need to activate and sustain the growth of realizations by receiving the blessings of the holy beings. Prayers for Meditation contains the essence of these three preparations.

More Information
Subtitle Brief preparatory prayers for meditation
Current Edition / Reprint 2018
Edition History

First published 1987

Reprinted 1993, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2018, 2023

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