Prajnaparamita 2

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Prajnaparamita 2 - A6 SMALL CARD

SKU: 5055278102777

  • Catalogue Code: A6PRA2

Prajnaparamita 2 - MINICARD

SKU: 5055278199968

  • Catalogue Code: IC35

Prajnaparamita 2 - A5 LARGE CARD

SKU: 5055278102784

  • Catalogue Code: A5PRA2

Prajnaparamita 2 - A4 SMALL POSTER

SKU: 5055278102791

  • Catalogue Code: A4PRA2

Prajnaparamita 2 - 20x30 INCH LARGE POSTER

SKU: 5055278108960

  • Catalogue Code: ALPRA2

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The Buddha who is the manifestation of Buddha’s perfection of wisdom. Her function is to overcome maras – the outer and inner obstructing demons – and to bestow the realization of the higher perfection of wisdom – the realization of ultimate truth, or emptiness, by the subtlest blissful mind. Her four arms indicate that she is the synthesis of all Buddhas of the four directions. She is holding a vajra and a scripture of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, and her remaining two hands are in the mudra of meditative equipoise. Together her hands teach us that through training in meditation on the perfection of wisdom we can accomplish the higher perfection of wisdom, the union of great bliss and emptiness, through which we can attain enlightenment very quickly.

The female Buddha who is the manifestation of Buddha’s perfection of wisdom. Her function is to overcome maras – the outer and inner obstructing demons – and to bestow the realization of the higher perfection of wisdom, the realization of ultimate truth, or emptiness, by the subtlest blissful mind. Her four arms indicate that she is the synthesis of all Buddhas of the four directions. She is holding a vajra and a scripture of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, and her remaining two hands are in the mudra of meditative equipoise. Together her hands teach us that through training in meditation on the perfection of wisdom we can accomplish the higher perfection of wisdom, the union of great bliss and emptiness, through which we can attain enlightenment very quickly.

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