Medicine Buddha 2

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Thumbnail Product Name Qty
Medicine Buddha 2 - MINICARD

SKU: 5055278108830

  • Catalogue Code: ICMB2

Medicine Buddha 2 - A6 SMALL CARD

SKU: 5055278102357

  • Catalogue Code: A6MB2

Medicine Buddha 2 - A5 LARGE CARD

SKU: 5055278102364

  • Catalogue Code: A5MB2

Medicine Buddha 2 - A4 SMALL POSTER

SKU: 5055278102371

  • Catalogue Code: A4MB2

Medicine Buddha 2 - 20x30 INCH LARGE POSTER

SKU: 5055278108557

  • Catalogue Code: ALMB2

The Healing Buddha, or Buddha Doctor, whose function is to release living beings from outer and inner sickness. His body of blue wisdom light indicates that he is an emanation of the healing power of all the Buddhas; his left hand holds a bowl filled with medicinal nectar and his right hand holds a medicinal plant. Through relying upon Medicine Buddha with faith we develop a special power of body, speech and mind, which we can then use to help others through healing actions.
The Healing Buddha, or Buddha Doctor, whose function is to release living beings from outer and inner sickness. His body of blue wisdom light indicates that he is an emanation of the healing power of all the Buddhas, and his left hand holds a bowl filled with medicinal nectar and his right hand holds a medicinal plant. Through relying upon Medicine Buddha with faith we develop a special power of body, speech and mind, which we can then use to help others through healing actions.
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