Kadampa Temple and Auspicious Symbols - Prints

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Kadampa Temple and Auspicious Symbols - A5 LARGE CARD

SKU: 5055278111144

  • Catalogue Code: A5KTAS

Kadampa Temple and Auspicious Symbols - A4 small poster

SKU: 5055278111175

  • Catalogue Code: A4KTAS

Buddhist Temples are representations of a Pure Land of an enlightened being – an enlightened heaven. Whoever sees them immediately experiences peace of mind, or inner peace. When we experience inner peace we are happy, so Temples function to give happiness to everyone, whether Buddhist or not.
Buddhist Temples are representations of a Pure Land of an enlightened being – an enlightened heaven. Whoever sees them immediately experiences peace of mind, or inner peace. When we experience inner peace we are happy, so Temples function to give happiness to everyone, whether Buddhist or not.
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