Joyful Path of Good Fortune

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Joyful Path of Good Fortune - PAPERBACK

SKU: 9781910368527

  • Catalogue Code: B527

Joyful Path of Good Fortune - EPUB EBOOK DOWNLOAD

SKU: 9781910368534

  • Catalogue Code: EB534

Joyful Path of Good Fortune - MP3 AUDIOBOOK DOWNLOAD

SKU: 5055278100643

  • Catalogue Code: MP3BJP


SKU: 5055278114022

  • Catalogue Code: MP3JPGFCM

A clear and comprehensive explanation of the entire path to enlightenment.

A clear and comprehensive explanation of the entire path to enlightenment. We all have the potential for self-transformation, and a limitless capacity for the growth of good qualities, but to fulfil this potential we need to know what to do along every stage of our spiritual journey.

With this book, Geshe Kelsang offers us step-by-step guidance on the meditation practices that will lead us to lasting inner peace and happiness. With extraordinary clarity, he presents all Buddha’s teachings in the order in which they are to be practised, enriching his explanation with stories and illuminating analogies. This is a perfect guidebook to the Buddhist path.

The practice of Lamrim is very important because everyone needs to cultivate peaceful states of mind. By listening to or reading these teachings we can learn how to control our mind and always keep a good motivation in our heart. This will make all our daily actions pure and meaningful.
More Information
Subtitle The Complete Buddhist Path to Enlightenment
Current Edition / Reprint 2019
Edition History


First published 1990 

2nd edition 1995 

Reprinted 1997, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012

3rd edition 2016

Reprinted 2018, 2019, 2022

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