Heart Jewel

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Heart Jewel - PAPERBACK

SKU: 9780948006562

  • Catalogue Code: B562


SKU: 9781910368374

  • Catalogue Code: EB374

An explanation of how to overcome obstacles and difficulties on the spiritual path by developing compassion, wisdom and spiritual strength.

An explanation of how to overcome obstacles and difficulties on the spiritual path by developing compassion, wisdom and spiritual strength.

Kadampa Buddhism is a special presentation of Mahayana Buddhism that makes the path to enlightenment accessible to the modern world by showing clearly how we can transform our lives into the spiritual path. In this book, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, a meditation master of this living tradition, explains two essential Kadampa Buddhist spiritual practices. The first is a special meditation practice through which we can purify our mind of all negativity, develop special positive minds and receive the blessings and inspiration of all the Buddhas. In this way, we will naturally gain all the realizations of the spiritual path that leads to full enlightenment. The second is meditation on the Buddha of Wisdom in the aspect of a Dharma Protector, whereby we can gain the inner strength needed to overcome all obstacles to our spiritual practice and to create favourable conditions so that we can nurture and increase our pure Dharma realizations.

Je Tsongkhapa showed a perfect example of how to build the foundation for the spiritual path, how to progress on that path, and how to complete it. … What we need is not displays of miracle powers but a clear example of how to enter an unmistaken spiritual path, how to practise that path comfortably and smoothly, and how to complete it successfully. This is the actual method for solving our daily problems.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

More Information
Subtitle The Essential Practices of Kadampa Buddhism
Current Edition / Reprint 2017
Edition History

First published 1991 

2nd edition 1997, 

Reprinted 2002, 2006, 2009, 2015, 2017

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