Great Liberation of the Father

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Great Liberation of the Father - BOOKLET

SKU: 5055278100711

  • Catalogue Code: SGLF

Great Liberation of the Father - EPUB EBOOKLET DOWNLOAD

SKU: 5055278112974

  • Catalogue Code: ESGLF

Mahamudra Prayers - MP3 AUDIO DOWNLOAD

SKU: 5055278103101

  • Catalogue Code: MP3PMP

A short practice including self-generation as Buddha Heruka, Guru yoga and requests to the Mahamudra lineage Gurus that prepare our mind for successful meditation on Mahamudra – the very subtle blissful mind that realizes ultimate truth.
Vajrayana Mahamudra is a very special method for attaining great enlightenment in one short human life. Maha or ‘great’ refers to the very subtle mind of spontaneous great bliss, and ‘mudra’ refers to ultimate truth, or emptiness – the ways things actually exist. Mahamudra, therefore, is the union of spontaneous bliss and emptiness. To attain this union, we must first receive a Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment and then gain some experience of self-generation as the Deity. By following this prayer booklet we first perform the preliminary practices of self-generation as the Deity Heruka – the Buddha of compassion in Highest Yoga Tantra – and then we engage in the actual training in Mahamudra meditation.
More Information
Subtitle Preliminary prayers for Mahamudra meditation in conjunction with Heruka practice
Edition History

First published 1993 

Reprinted 1995, 2003, 2013 

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