Osam koraka do sreće (Eight Steps to Happiness - CROATIAN)

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Osam koraka do sreće - Paperback (Eight Steps to Happiness - CROATIAN)

SKU: 9789539969354

  • Catalogue Code: BHR354

Ova nadahnjujuća knjiga otkriva ključne metode za razvoj univerzalne ljubavi i suosjećanja, izvor istinske sreće za sebe i druge.

Please note there is a newer edition of this item called The New Eight Steps to Happiness. Click here for more info.

An in-depth and practical explanation of one of Buddhism's best-loved teachings, Eight Verses of Training the Mind, by the great Tibetan Bodhisattva, Langri Tangpa. Clear methods are simply presented for transforming all life's difficulties into valuable spiritual insights, for improving our relationships, and for bringing greater patience, empathy and compassion into our daily life. For centuries, these methods have brought lasting peace, inspiration and serenity to countless people in the East. Now, with this book, Geshe Kelsang shares the immeasurably rich insight of this ancient wisdom to help us find greater happiness and meaning in our busy, modern lives.

It is said that there exists a magic crystal that has the power to purify any liquid in which it is placed. Those who cherish all living beings are like this crystal – by their very presence they remove negativity from the world and give back love and kindness.

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Subtitle Budistički način brižne ljubavi
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