A Brief Essential Guide to Highest Yoga Tantra Sadhanas
A Brief Essential Guide To Highest Yoga Tantra Sadhanas
There are many Highest Yoga Tantra practices, so we've created a complete list for you to easily navigate them.
- The key shows whether a particular sadhana is used for either just Heruka, just Vajrayogini, or both Heruka and Vajrayogini practice.
- Next to each title is a brief description of the sadhana.
- In addition, where a particular sadhana is printed in a book, the title of that book where the sadhana appears is also listed.
- Finally, where a sadhana appears only within a book and is not printed separately, the note "No separate sadhana" appears next to the title.

Heruka & Vajrayogini
❯ Goes To Sadhana
The condensed self-generation sadhana of Vajrayogini
Available in:
, , ,Condensed Six-session Yoga
A condensed practice to fulfil all the commitments of Tantric vows
Available in:
, ,No separate sadhana
The middling self-generation sadhana of Vajrayogini
Available in:
Heruka body mandala self-generation sadhana according to the system of Mahasiddha Ghantapa (an extensive practice)
Available in:
The Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa as a Preliminary Practice for Mahamudra
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Heruka body mandala self-generation practice, an instruction of the Ganden Oral Lineage (a middling practice)
Available in:
, , ,The extensive self-generation sadhana of Vajrayogini
Available in:
, ,The essential self-generation sadhana of Heruka body mandala (a condensed practice)
Available in:
, , ,Blissful Journey
How to engage in a close retreat of Heruka body mandala
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,No separate sadhana
A ritual practice to fulfil the commitments of close retreat, and to purify the negativities, downfalls, and mistakes made during the retreat
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Heruka Retreat Preliminary Jewel
Retreat preliminaries for Heruka body mandala
Available in:
No separate sadhana
Preliminary Jewel
Condensed Vajrayogini retreat preliminaries
Available in:
No separate sadhana
Vajrayogini Retreat Preliminaries
The extensive Vajrayogini retreat preliminaries.
Available in:
No separate sadhana
A burning offering to fulfil the commitment of a close retreat of Vajrayogini
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Vajrayogini self-initiation sadhana
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Heruka body mandala self-initiation sadhana
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Assembly of Good Fortune
The tsog offering of Heruka body mandala
This prayer booklet is for use only at NKT Festivals
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Preliminary prayers for Mahamudra meditation in conjunction with Heruka practice
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Great Liberation of the Mother
Preliminary prayers for Mahamudra meditation in conjunction with Vajrayogini practice
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Also contains Condensed Six-session Yoga
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,The essential commentary to the practice of The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability
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Prayers for Vajrayogini Teachings
This prayer booklet is for use only at NKT Festivals.
Prayers of Request to the Mahamudra Lineage Gurus
Available in:
, ,No separate sadhana
The Eleven Yogas of Vajrayogini
Available in:
,No separate sadhana
Chapters One and Fifty-one of the Condensed Heruka Root Tantra
Samayavajra Sadhana
Samayavajra mantra recitation which is mainly for purifying degenerated commitments and vows
Available in:
No separate sadhana
The special instruction of how to reach the Pure Land of Keajra with this human body (See also Keajra Heaven)
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,A practice for purifying mistakes and negativities
Available in:
,No separate sadhana