35 Confession Buddhas 2

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35 Confession Buddhas 2 - A5 LARGE CARD

SKU: 5055278106539

  • Catalogue Code: A5CB2

35 Confession Buddhas 2 - A3 MEDIUM POSTER

SKU: 5055278106522

  • Catalogue Code: A3CB2

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35 Confession Buddhas 2 - 20x30 INCH LARGE POSTER

SKU: 5055278108632

  • Catalogue Code: ALCB2

Looking with faith at the images of these Buddhas and reciting their names has a positive and purifying effect on our mind. Our mind will be filled with inspiring blessings, thus making us more peaceful and relaxed. We will also awaken our potentiality to see actual Buddhas in the future, and create the causes within our own mind to develop the sublime enlightened qualities these beings possess. The Thirty-five Confession Buddhas are the main objects visualized in the practice known as The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls, one of the most powerful methods for purifying our mind of all negativity.
A completely new print of the the Thirty-five Buddhas of Purification (Thirty-five Confession Buddhas) designed as an aid to practice available in A5 and A3, and as canvas prints in sizes A1 and A2 as well as A0 and 2A0. Looking with faith at the images of these Buddhas and reciting their names has a positive and purifying effect on our mind. Our mind will be filled with inspiring blessings, thus making us more peaceful and relaxed. We will also awaken our potentiality to see actual Buddhas in the future, and create the causes within our own mind to develop the sublime enlightened qualities these beings possess. The card is designed as an aid to practice and is especially helpful with the practice of The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls, one of the most powerful Buddhist methods for purifying our mind of all negativity.
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