The New Essence of Vajrayana

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The New Essence of Vajrayana - BOOKLET
The special middling length self-generation sadhana, or ritual prayer for spiritual attainments, that distils the very essence of the body mandala practice of Heruka, the manifestation of the compassion of all Buddhas. This sadhana was composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche based on instructions from previous great scholars and lineage Gurus.

The special middling length self-generation sadhana, or ritual prayer for spiritual attainments, that distils the very essence of the Heruka body mandala practice. This sadhana was composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche based on instructions from previous great scholars and lineage Gurus.

The body mandala practice of Buddha Heruka, the manifestation of the compassion of all Buddhas, is the very essence of Buddha’s Tantric teachings. By engaging in this practice we will quickly receive the powerful blessings of Buddha Heruka, and through this easily develop and make progress in all the stages of the Tantric path leading to full enlightenment.

We can improve our understanding of and faith in this special practice through sincerely studying the books The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra and Essence of Vajrayana, as well as the The Practice of Heruka Body Mandala chapter in the book Modern Buddhism, which are all available from Tharpa Publications.

More Information
Subtitle Heruka body mandala self-generation practice, an instruction of the Ganden Oral Lineage
Edition History

First published 2016

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