Songs of the Great Compassionate One - Audio

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Songs of the Great Compassionate One - MP3
Songs of the Great Compassionate One - CD
A Pure Life - Booklet
Drop of Essential Nectar - Booklet
Audio recordings of a special fasting and purification practice in conjunction with Eleven-faced Avalokiteshvara, and the practice of taking and keeping the eight Mahayana precepts.

An audio recording of two practices, Drop of Essential Nectar and A Pure Life. The first is a special purification practice performed in conjunction with Eleven-faced (or Thousand-armed) Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion. This is done annually at Kadampa Buddhist centres throughout the world in a two-day retreat – called the Nyungnay Purifying Ritual Practice – to celebrate Buddha’s Enlightenment Day. The second is the practice of taking and keeping the eight Mahayana precepts, which is often done on the 15th day of each month in Kadampa Buddhist centres. Short pauses have been included in the prayers, which indicate where, if you wish, you can pause the CD for meditation or mantra recitation. A complete explanation of this practice can be found in the booklet, A Pure Life, also available from Tharpa Publications.

More Information
Subtitle Avalokiteshvara Fasting Retreat—includes A Pure Life

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