Meeting the Buddhas - Hardback

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A beautifully illustrated full-colour book that introduces various aspects of Buddha, showing how children and adults alike can begin to develop these good qualities themselves.
Everyone needs inspiring friends. Families need sources of guidance to know how to live together in harmony. And everyone can benefit from learning methods to improve themselves continually – becoming kinder, wiser, and happier. This book introduces the Buddhas, whose example of peace and wisdom is the inspiration for millions of people around the world. Based on the teachings and artwork of the Kadampa Buddhist Tradition, the breathtaking images, inspiring stories, and simple explanations make every part of the spiritual path fun and approachable.
More Information
Subtitle Our Closest Friends and Helpers
SKU 9781616060022
Catalog Code B745
Details (no. of pages, no. of CDs, duration, no. of line drawings, other technical features...) 48 pages printed in full colour throughout

Tharpa Publications New Zealand is a trading operation of Kadampa Meditation Centre Auckland and is part of New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union
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