密法大手印 Mahamudra Tantra

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獲得密法禪修深入體悟的實用手冊 如何逐步體悟更細微與更喜悅的心境 如何把我們的細微心與證得究竟真理的智慧融合

這是一本清晰而詳細的修持密法大手印的手冊 ── 於自己心中發現平靜與快樂之速道。 大手印是大樂與空性的圓融 ── 體驗大樂與證得究竟真理的最細微心。大手印的修持使我們揭開心識的最深層,然後利用最細微心禪修究竟真理,這樣便可以將我們的一切妄念連根拔起,把我們迅速推往到達圓滿正覺之境界。 《密法大手印》首先解釋要成功修持大手印所應具備的基本正確觀念與意圖,以及密法之意與無上瑜伽密法修持的兩個次第,然後解釋這深奧修持的前行法與修持次第。

Mahamudra is the union of the most subtle mind that experiences great bliss and realizes ultimate truth—the way things actually exist. From his practical experience, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso explains how to prepare our mind for Mahamudra meditation, how to remove obstacles to successful practice, and how we can experience progressively subtler states of mind. By explaining how to uncover and purify the deepest level of our mind and to use this very subtle blissful mind to meditate on ultimate truth, he shows how we can destroy all our negative minds at their very root and quickly reach the state of full enlightenment.

More Information
Subtitle 密法禪修概論
ISBN / EAN 9789889849443
Catalog Code BZSMT
Details (no. of pages, no. of CDs, duration, no. of line drawings, other technical features...)


298 pages, published in 2006

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