Learn to meditate at your library
Tharpa is going on the road!
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn to meditate - happiness comes from inner peace and now it is well established that meditating can improve health and wellness. We also believe that local libraries are incredible places and are easy to access for communities. Bearing all this in mind we are holding free library talks in selected libraries in different states of Australia, beginning in Tasmania in August, South Australia in September and New South Wales and Queensland in October.
These talks will be based on the book "How to Transform Your Life" by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and will be exploring the benefits of meditation and how to get started.
If you have any suggestions of libraries for us to visit please email us info.au@tharpa.com
Book your free spot below and we will see you there.

About Tick & Pick
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