Meditation Card Set & Meditation in Action Card Set

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Meditation Card Set

SKU: 5055278101824

  • Catalog Code: LMMC

Meditation in Action Card Set

SKU: 5055278101831

  • Catalog Code: LMMIAC


These two card sets are perfect companions for The New Meditation Handbook by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

Engage in twenty-one meditations on the stages of the path to enlightenment (Lamrim); use the Meditation Cards in conjunction with the book The New Meditation Handbook. As you become familiar with the instructions in the book, these helpful Meditation Cards can be used as quick reference guides for your daily meditation sessions.

For a complete daily practice, combine them with the smaller Meditation in Action Cards. Compact and portable, these cards are perfect for slipping into your purse or wallet, offering gentle prompts to keep your Lamrim practice on track throughout the day.

Enjoy the purity of your mind and actions.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

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Catalog Code GRP-LM-MC-MIAC
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