Learn to meditate at your library

Tharpa Australia is going on the road!

We believe that everyone needs to learn to meditate - happiness comes from a peaceful mind. We also believe that libraries are incredible places and easy for communities to access. So we are holding free talks at a number of selected libraries around Australia, coming up in 2023 are - Victoria, Northern Territory and Western Australia.

These talks will be based on the book "How to Transform Your Life" by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso ( get your free ebook download below) and will be exploring the benefits of meditation and how to get started. They will be 1 hour long, very practical and useful for anyone, regardless of age, religion or background.

Keep an eye on this page and our social media, please feel free to email us on info.au@tharpa.com if you have an suggestions for libraries near you.

The Book, The Author, The Speakers

The Book:

How to Transform your life - by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

When things go wrong in our life and we encounter difficult situations, we tend to regard the situation itself as our problem, but in reality whatever problems we experience come from the mind. If we can learn how to develop and maintain a peaceful mind, through meditation, we can reduce and eventually cease our experience of problems.

The Author:

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is a fully accomplished meditation master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism who has pioneered the introduction of modern Buddhism into contemporary society. He is the author of 23 highly acclaimed books that perfectly transmit the ancient wisdom of Buddhism to our modern world.

The speakers:

Gen Kelsang Ani, Gen Kelsang Lhachog, Kelsang Tara and Kelsang Dana are fully ordained, western Buddhist nuns and each have much experience in teaching and public speaking.

Gen Kelsang Dornying is a fully ordained, western Buddhist Monk and has had over 20 years of teaching experience.

Gen Kelsang Dornying is the resident teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia - in Melbourne, Gen Ani is the resident teacher of the Kadampa Meditation Centre in Brisbane, Gen Lhachog is the resident teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Sydney, Kelsang Tara is the resident teacher of Perth and Kelsang Dana is the resident teacher of Kadampa Buddhist Centre Canberra.

Each of them imparts a deep, personal experience of the practice of meditation in daily life.

Meditate in Western Australia

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